
Tina Fey + Paul Rudd = Probably seeing this even if it gets awful reviews.

I'm worried what some of you just heard was, "Give Amy Poehler  a lot of awards." What @Ghoulstock said was, "Give Amy Poehler all the awards you have". Do you understand?

I'm worried what some of you just heard was, "Give Amy Poehler  a lot of awards." What @Ghoulstock said was, "Give Amy Poehler all the awards you have". Do you understand?

The defense is that Vampire Diaries is awesome.

The defense is that Vampire Diaries is awesome.



They want to be CBS and I don't think they realize that people only watch the sitcoms on CBS because they watch the established lead-in on CBS and are too lazy to look elsewhere.  CBS has inertia ratings, they haven't discovered some magic formula.

They want to be CBS and I don't think they realize that people only watch the sitcoms on CBS because they watch the established lead-in on CBS and are too lazy to look elsewhere.  CBS has inertia ratings, they haven't discovered some magic formula.

How has no TV executive picked up that the biggest historical hits were the least formula shows of their time?

How has no TV executive picked up that the biggest historical hits were the least formula shows of their time?

The situation at NBC makes me even more sad after listening to Andy Greenwald's interview with Warren Littlefield over on Grantland.  Is it that hard to find creative people and then gently nudge them in a profitable direction instead of just mass-producing paint-by-numbers sitcoms?

The situation at NBC makes me even more sad after listening to Andy Greenwald's interview with Warren Littlefield over on Grantland.  Is it that hard to find creative people and then gently nudge them in a profitable direction instead of just mass-producing paint-by-numbers sitcoms?

Judge John Hodgman is just a podcast that can be very funny, but that I stopped regularly downloading because it can be hit or miss.  That's why he came to mind.

Judge John Hodgman is just a podcast that can be very funny, but that I stopped regularly downloading because it can be hit or miss.  That's why he came to mind.

Maybe John Hodgman?

Maybe John Hodgman?

Like the Sklars, I came away from that episode a Simmons fan.  He's just way more interesting and genuine than I would have thought.

Like the Sklars, I came away from that episode a Simmons fan.  He's just way more interesting and genuine than I would have thought.

I do enjoy the County, especially now that it's found it's groove and isn't a watered down Country.  I think the advantage it has over the main show is that it takes out the dead weight guest interview segment.  I felt like in the beginning they did a better job of integrating the guest into the show, now it seems