Philip J. Fry

Actually it was "For Your Eyes Only" where Bond drove a VW Beetle, and it wasn't even his. It was Melina Havelock's, and he was driving it because his Lotus got blowed up.

"Kodachrome" as a class song
When I was in high school one of my classmates put Paul Simon's "Kodachrome" on the ballot when we voted for our class song for one reason and one reason only - the first line. For those of you who don't remember it, goes a little something like this:
"When I think back on all the CRAP I

One of the bigger-budgeted shows
I heard on a TV Land special that "The A-Team" was cancelled solely because it was too expensive to produce. Even though it got high ratings, there were so many stunts, explosions, etc. in each episode that the series didn't turn a profit. Cannell got away with it the first few years

That's just sad
I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for Ray Stevens, just because my wife is fond of his old "Greatest Hits" CD and we listened to it once on a road trip when we were first dating. I didn't have the heart to tell my dearest that his music was mediocre at best. But now he's turned into the Charlie

I saw "The Crazies" before it was cool
Years ago, maybe 2002, when Blue Underground first released it on DVD, I up and bought it without having seen it first. Usually I don't buy a film without having seen it first, but I figured if I liked George Romero's other movies (namely the "Dead" series, and "Martin") I'd like

Agree with Slow Food, at least in the first part. The first time I saw the original "Dawn of the Dead," what scared me most was the idea that you were NEVER safe. You could run out to the middle of the woods somewhere, seemingly no one around for miles and miles… but God forbid you fall asleep, cuz you could wake up

A little too alternate for my tastes
A while back I impulsively bought a Turtledove novel about a second civil war taking place after the south won the first. Then I found out it was a sequel to another novel titled "Guns of the South", where the south wins the war by somehow getting a hold of an AK-47. Seems some guy

Quite literally, one of the worst movies ever made
For years I've been saying that "A New Beginning" is one of the worst movies ever. Of course most people usually respond, "Duh, it's a 'Friday the 13th', they're all bad." What I mean is that this movie is BAD, even by "Friday the 13th" standards. If the average film

Let Kenneth Johnson make it!
The only good installment of "V" was the original miniseries, which was done by Kenneth Johnson. For "The Final Battle" NBC brought in a bunch of hacks who turned the characters into cardboard and basically made the whole thing a cartoon. And the weekly series was just hideous.

Right on about Dr. Strangelove
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. The movie has some great themes and statements, but it's about as fun as watching yogurt ferment. Give me "Fail Safe" any day.

As for Matt Helm…
the Helm of the books was a bad-ass, while the Helm of the movies was basically an extension of Dean Martin's persona. Surprised they didn't mention that.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion…
but I don't see how anyone can read Fleming's Bond novels and conclude that the films had better characterization. As I recall, the first time we see Bond he's just come from killing an enemy and Bond seems downright disturbed about it - and this is a man who kills for a living.

DALLAS doppelgangers
Actually, several characters on Dallas were played by more than one actor, though Miss Ellie was the only "major" character to be recast. Several others were considered, though. When Larry Hagman held out for more money after J.R. got plugged, the producers considered replacing him with Robert