Qweef Latina

Meh. Naw.

@repostedcustomerreviews:disqus I have the weirdest red rocket right now.

Ouch! His poor mangled penis!

To quote Better Off Dead "I want my two dollars..!"

I am a gynecologist

The AV Club


I thought he would go into the A/C repair business.

"Just like the gull-winged car sings the song sounds like she's singing ooh, baby ooh, oooooh."

@avclub-36f8a23ed1166894f1aa598ac11169ab:disqus It's the number one killer of domestic cats.

Polaroids! *facepalms*

No, one day St. Peter will murder her vagina.

*all of them*

*rolls down limo window*

ONE person on the interwebs hates grammar mistakes?! Unpossible!

A bad name for a lawyer?

Early Cat Power also raises sorrow to the next level, and it's breathtakingly beautiful.

Word. The "no one deserves it" , then the sweeping rush of the bridge kills me every


I love, love, love Pitseleh. It's probably my fave.