I would nominate "Mandy", by Barry Manilow. It's about how he murdered a girl named Mandy.
I would nominate "Mandy", by Barry Manilow. It's about how he murdered a girl named Mandy.
Jellyfish Heaven
I'm a reasonable man
The AV Club
Jabba eats healthier food.
I'll be the fluffer! Er, gaffer!
Rosebud will be named "Doris The Clitoris"
Now, calm down, @avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus dily-diddly-diddly-diddly…they did their best, shoddily-iddly-iddly-diddly…gotta be *nice*, hostily-iddly-diddly-iddly..
Mr. Sandler, in your movies I've noticed a distinct lack of qweefing. I feel that you are overlooking a bodily function ripe with comedic possibilities. Would you care to comment?
"Grown Ups 2…pissing…farting, sneezing, and burping…sex…shitting…licking…John Oates…asses…urine…shame…poop jokes…frat boys…Pottery Barn interiors…crappiness…perverse…ineptness…Sandler's…worldview."
*@WrongSirWrong:disqus never vomits at home…*
Impossible to kill?
The Log Lady will have tremendous fashion sense.
The miniseries was dead the whole time!
The twist will be that this shit pile gets cancelled after episode 3.
I hope some Fox exec gets fired for this blunder.
*wakes up*
"Oooh! Piece of candy."
"In THIS White House, always bet on black."
Bill Clinton!? He's history's greatest monster!