
Skye: "Jemma, you were dead?"
"Jemma: "I got better"

…although a Wag of the Finger to the props department — the side of the tow truck said "Alva, OAKLA." Come on, people…

Good catch — The Slate video is before the audio "fix".

Why the hate? I don't think it was an editorial choice. The closed captions said something like "EAS TONES" during the hiatus, so I'll maintain the sound effect was yanked late in the post process.

Did you notice that they very clumsily muted the EAS tones during that argument scene? All the shouting stopped and they dumped in some rain and thunder SFX. I guess nobody told Louis that you can't use that specific sound for entertainment purposes. Same reason you don't use siren SFX in radio spots.

although, replacing all those windows with CGI (to hide the reflection of the jib and camera, unless the whole shebang was CGI) wasn't that cheap either.

Never just a cut — there's always a graphic transition in and out of replays to avoid this kind of confusion.

I've heard the "lower thirds" referred to as "snipes" in The Biz also.

I've heard the "lower thirds" referred to as "snipes" in The Biz also.

I had to go back to check, but when the baton was about to go off, in the LAST FRAME before they cut outside, Windmark was going transparent. Nice job, post crew!

I had to go back to check, but when the baton was about to go off, in the LAST FRAME before they cut outside, Windmark was going transparent. Nice job, post crew!

Speaking of "zoom in," I'm getting a little tired of the fake camera push-ins they're adding in post to hammer home a reaction. In some scenes this episode they DID. IT. ON. EVERY. WORD.

Speaking of "zoom in," I'm getting a little tired of the fake camera push-ins they're adding in post to hammer home a reaction. In some scenes this episode they DID. IT. ON. EVERY. WORD.