Reposted liveleak comments

That worked for Arnold in Predator

What goddamn, stupid, freaking, ignorant twats they were. I hope the snake is unharmed.

Dude you know nothing about struggle liberty or freedom.

how is he supposed to jerk off now?

I'm sure little bobby there will grow up to be a nice gang banger and seek revenge.

A weekend shooting trip with this guy would be epic..

Not enough Christians in this one. I'll opt for Kirk Cameron's new flick, I guess. 

i was expecting Dr. Frankenstein to put his finger in their and ask, dose that hurt

On a whole though, the Thai people are far friendlier than the miserable cunts I have round here.

I love the sound of Young Liberals screaming in pain..

Him: dumpy and shirtless. Her: flat
stomach, long hair, big tits. He should be happy with what he has, even
if she is a bit psycho.

would've been a hell of a lot better if i didn't have to look at his stupid face the entire time.

Are we supposed to be impressed?

Hey, this is the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life!