Even as a delusion, the TV weatherman was hilarious.
Even as a delusion, the TV weatherman was hilarious.
This episode was brilliant! The writer's (or writers') "feint" served to put the viewer into Liv's perspective, experiencing the vanishing of her delusion along with her.
There is no DNA in hair—-only in the follicle, if the hair is ripped out of the scalp—-one would think this show, which is all about DNA at its core, would not fail so absurdly.
"Better things"—-YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!
All women on that show do their lesbian best.
"Wise up" —- to you I say, be kind.
Because we're Number One, baby!
My error on the plates—-to me all Canadian provinces look the same.
Any merchant in Canada will still accept furs in lieu of paper money.
Canadian money is good for only one thing, that being done in outhouses in the Provinces, whereas in the USA we have indoor plumbing.
Well then why set the show in NYC rather than just plant it in Toronto? It's fookin' BBC America, so I think viewers could handle a Commonwealth setting.
Hope she gets back to "Lost Girl"—-I needs me my lesbian sex scenes!
Yeah, what was ______ all about? I didn't know A.V. Club had a swear jar.
You will find that most posters are True Believers, not happy to be confronted with a divergent viewpoint, honest as it is.
Well, I still like it, but I know where you're coming from: this is a "puzzle" show, and a vehicle for the star ("how many different characters can I portray"), but light on character development. If the twists end, so does the show, so the writers need to keep 'em coming.
Reviewer loved it so much, she gave it an A-minus—-why not an A?
No doubt you're right—-filming location is Toronto. I just saw it wasn't a U.S. plate.
He was an illegal immigrant:
It is sloppy—-very easy to use U.S. fake money, and U.S. fake license plates. It's not as if there haven't been dozens of other productions ostensibly set in the U.S. but shot in Canada.
Kenzi needs to get back with Bo—-unless there's going to be a Fae element introduced in OB…