The beauty of that scene was that we the viewers know what Philip and Elizabeth are capable of, so we see the threat, whereas Paige does not.
The beauty of that scene was that we the viewers know what Philip and Elizabeth are capable of, so we see the threat, whereas Paige does not.
That covers Tim, Stan (Nina's very young), and Philip.
A tense day at the travel agency, wondering what Paige might be up to alone at home, with a telephone within reach.
There's also an ominous side to that, resonating with the euphemism, "he went to a better place."
Let's check the D.C. phone book! :) :)
That was brilliant, if a little too almost-paranormal. If indeed Stan sensed something was wrong, I wonder if he'll follow up by investigating Paige.
Gee, you must really hate "Evil Lincoln" then. It's just an alias, fool…—-and by the way, it's also the name of a fast-food chicken franchise that serves very tasty meals!
Again, you've formed an image of me that is way off the mark. Inflexibility of opinions as you exhibit is associated with low intelligence and lack of education. You give ad hominem, you get ad hominem.
I disagree with your belief that America is "the greatest country in the history of the planet." You should travel outside its borders.
I don't have to share my motives with you. Who the hell are you?!
Of course one country's heroes may be enemies to another. But we are Americans, aren't we? Or should we forgive those who spy against us, and murder our fellow citizens, just because from the viewpoint of our enemies they are helping their own country?
When did I say it should be encouraged?
So you have declared yourself unable to discern the merits of one political system over another.
My patriotism is not uncritical, but I see there's not way I could convince you of that.
Yes, they would, because that would be in service to our country.
Lowbrow moral equivalency. Every kind of bad has exactly the same weight. Have another drink!
I love your putting words in my mouth, as it were—-you can be my little bitch posting robot, leaving me time to catch up on other shows.
Ad hominem attacks only make me feel sorry for whatever academic institution you drank your way through.
No. I am not a jingoist. I just hate these characters, because they are Soviet spies, ruthlessly murderous ones at that.
No, I don't love America. I am a patriot, but not a jingoist as you seem to suggest.