Nah, they're just going to make a supply run to Bethesda to pick up some doctors.
Nah, they're just going to make a supply run to Bethesda to pick up some doctors.
But Pete WAS a wife-beating sociopath. Something was off with him from the very start (#PorchDick).
Nicholas left for the woods to get the gun, the one Rick hid before the group entered Alexandria, he had stashed.
And didn't they see the cans hung from strings—-didn't that suggest a trap, or at least a need for caution?
Reg's head goes into an aquarium in Deanna's TV room—-the first of many!
I dunno—-lots of time/opportunities to practice against zombies..
Comes from his being British, I presume: it takes added effort to deliver lines in an American dialect.
The review is open for criticism just as is the episode.
I agree,Gabriel is a loon. First he survives by locking everyone out of his church; then he fails to lock the gate behind him in his new sanctuary.
Clearly so. She knew just what buttons to push, to make him attack first.
Yes, and let's face it: Deanna was pretty much a dictator, despite the town meetings. Ultimately—-and she said as much—-the final decisions were hers.
I vehemently disagree with the reviewer: this was a great finale, if only because it advanced Deanna's character, in that she suffered enough loss to give up her position against killing.
Does Amy's hand still function?
What was that stupid line delivered by Julia—-just because you're immortal doesn't mean you can't be killed? Sorry, Julia, I do not think you know the meaning of the word "immortal."
I think he's just laying low.
This episode lost me: completely illogical. The organophosphate pesticide (i.e., nerve gas) intended to kill all life on the island somehow corroded skin, did not defoliate the forest and orchard while killing the "mother" root in its protective box, left no toxic residue behind minutes after deployment, oh and did…
It's good that time travel is a physical impossibility.
Yes. With the submarine plans caper, discovery would have triggered awareness of Directorate S (not by name) and heightened efforts to find the spies. At the very least it would have made operations much more difficult for P&E.
For the Nth time: there was no need for Elizabeth to reveal herself. All she needed to do, after a quick peek to see what was going on in the office, was to watch the door from the outside to make sure no one came out.
My guess: digoxin. This is/was very common. It makes the heart beat more strongly, and is often prescribed for congestive heart failure. Taking too much would make the heart beat too strongly, I presume, and so cause failure.