
Mail Robot sold out because of Gaad's abuse.

There was no reason for her to do more than peek around the corner, instead of exposing her presence.

Oleg and Stan need to find some excuse for a road trip.

"The Americans" in five words: Evil people doing evil things.

Mike _had_ his code—-but once he learned his boss/mentor/whatever Wynn didn't, he decided to give up his, or at least that his code didn't apply to anyone who didn't also subscribe to it. Perhaps Mike idolized Wynn, and the latter became a victim of his own iconoclasty.

What next—-bike lanes?!

One might suspect the pizza money was only a small part of Markham's fortune, as he must still be engaged in his legal marijuana empire in Colorado.

Homework—-please assure us she's legal!

LEFT shoulder.

I read that Raylan is supposed to be so fast on the draw that he could draw and fire before someone holding a gun on him could pull their trigger, and from the movement of his finger he was clearly thinking about it; so he just let her go, and his promise to track her down seemed half-hearted.

You know who knows how to deal with a huge amount of cash: Limehouse.

Note he never took a close look at it—-I wonder if Ava gave him a false alias.

He could go to work for Loretta, she needs "muscle."

No, she appeared to have become genuinely afraid of Boyd.

Zachariah surely survived—-he knew another way out, of that I'm sure.

Oh, that would be wonderful! He might fall for that.

Yeah, unlikelier after she showed Raylan her new passport, so he knows her fugitive alias.

Shooting himself with his own gun?

Boon is destined to die an ironic death like Choo-choo.

It's all the ADA's fault—-had he committed to keeping Ava out of prison, think how this episode would have played out differently…