Cole needs Jones to succeed to save Cassandra, Jones needs to save her daughter, and now Ramse needs Jones to fail to save his son. Objectivism?
Cole needs Jones to succeed to save Cassandra, Jones needs to save her daughter, and now Ramse needs Jones to fail to save his son. Objectivism?
Widening the conspiracy to "the Essene" and the American Consul was worth this otherwise procedural episode.
Emily only thinks she is an intellectual.
"Gale" the "Branch Davidian" cult leader is Christian: he and his congregation said "Praise Jesus" after Josh 2's bar mitzvah. (Although I've been to some of those ceremonies, and never a calf was sacrificed.)
Jerusalem looks like a dirty, ugly city I would never wish to visit. Just give it to the Palestinians already!
This show was ALWAYS dark—-never have I seen so much gratuitous sadism on TV.
Please cancel this show!
The show manipulates viewers into that.
I would like to see Philip change sides, make a deal to keep his children.
I don't sympathize with Philip and Elizabeth—-they are Soviet spies, and I keep hoping the FBI will show its competence and kill or capture them.
She knew Art had tried to solve the murder of the ADA, and counted on his desire to wrap that up. Art has the resources….
Absolutely agree!!!
Boyd pins something on Raylan, Raylan is disgraced and sentenced to prison but avoids it on a technicality (pony-tailed lawyer), the marshall's service deputizes Boyd for some heroic act, and so Boyd and Raylan reverse roles.
Was that the thing with the fighting chicken?
Not in the eyes of the law, which Raylan swore an oath to uphold.
I am a secular humanist. Religion harms mankind.
Evolution in action.
Raylan shoots to kill, even when he doesn't need to. He has no compunctions over killing off his adversaries. So he's a psychopath if Boyd is.
Good question. Boyd certainly helped Ava while she was in prison, but perhaps that doesn't count as altruism, if that's what you're after.
Yes, that makes sense. She's caught if either survives, much like the prostitute(?) in "To Live and Die in L.A." She sees that Boyd's robbery plans are bound to fail, and also that Raylan will send her back to prison once he's done with her.