
Absolutely correct.

I'm Team Boyd, come what may.

Yes, that was a brilliantly mordant exchange!

Yes, if you can get your head around the fact this is a reimaging, not a remake, just as the reimagined BSG diverged greatly from the original.

"The watch thing"—actually it is a staple of time-travel stories that the same object from different times cannot coexist without disaster. It is a standard device of time travel, which after all is only mythical.

He still lives in other parts of history. He will be back.

There are years between 2013 and 2017: presumably in such a crisis, the best people would be called upon, sane or not.

This was brilliant—Syfy may have a winner. I love the difficulty of attempting to reconstruct history from an incomplete set of clues, even only 30 years later (albeit on the other side of an apocalypse).

He fell because of gravity: the airlock appeared to open on a vertical shaft. But I agree it was bogus, if only because the air would have been sucked out very quickly, and lost its force even more quickly.

"Under no circumstances" —- bah!

OK, I really hate to defend this POS, but:

Stop looking at my finger and start looking at what it's pointing at.

Doc Cottle chainsmoked on Galactica, and cigars were popular there, too.

Vaporization would not be an issue—-Taylor got the idea from reassembling the tower that held the Gadget, finding all the steel was still there, just blown to bits. Ablation is the key, as is designing bombs with directed yield (90% of the yield could be directed into a 12.5-degree cone, according to some reports).

There would be little in the way of weight restrictions. Project Orion people talked about sending a spaceship the size of Chicago out to Jupiter.

Oh, and another thing.

One premise of the show is decidedly NOT "ludicrous" —- Project Orion was very real, and it did offer the very real possibility of interstellar travel in the early 60s. There is a wonderful BBC show about it, which you could look up on YouTube.

Look for Oliver to make a guest appearance on "Vampire Diaries" in yet another tie-in, one which explains how as Vampire Green Arrow he wasn't killed by a couple well-placed sword thrusts.

Who wouldn't? Half of them were high-school bullies.

You mean the fresh prince of Bel-Air?