If the downstairs bathroom hadn't leaked, would Chip Diaz still be alive?
If the downstairs bathroom hadn't leaked, would Chip Diaz still be alive?
The Eleanor Nacht Diet: Eat less, move more.
"The Chopper" is a gentleman, letting Sonya urinate, and not making her dig her own grave, as tradition would dictate.
"It says something about a show when a main character is on the verge of
death and several characters bite the bullet and I still wasn’t much
interested in their fates."—-No, it says something about a reviewer that just cannot grasp this show.
Another reviewer's pity fuck.
I just have a hard time understanding his lines. He needs to dial back the mumbling.
I loved this episode, particularly the scene where Marco realizes everything has spun out of his (limited) control.
Fausto Galvan is pining for the fjords.
And the dialogue is mostly flat.
This show is awful science fiction. I wish I could get my money back from iTunes.
Why the puzzlement over Daniel's quitting the newspaper? He had made it clear to Adriana that publication of their expose would be their only protection from Galvan. With the article spiked, Daniel knows his number (244?) is up.
It now seems inevitable that Marco will clean house in Juarez, both for (vigilante) justice and self-preservation, somehow saving Sonya in the process (or maybe she will save him). Whether at the hands (gloves?) of Galvan's goons or Juarez cops, peril awaits Sonya.
Atheism is separate from autism.
Marco demonstrated Mexican first aid: apply hot lead if you have it.
Again only a B? We need a new reviewer, one not prejudiced and ingrained.
When are we going to have an episode in which one of the ladies visits the sexy shoe store that survived the war?
Sex with brother of her sister's murderer cured Sonia's autism—-new hope for millions!
Irathian spaceship scene: best 5 Gum commercial ever!
A hellbug beats a bathtub full of lye!