Lascivious Loser

For a Good Time, Call… = Khmer Rouge

*Tears of pride well up*

"OK, now it’s time to go and do something that’s in me that I want to do and get out."

"OK, now it’s time to go and do something that’s in me that I want to do and get out."

Today, on a very special Savage Love…

Today, on a very special Savage Love…



It's actually from For a Good Time, Call…

It's actually from For a Good Time, Call…

"You know what we should do?  Walk around town and start fights."

"You know what we should do?  Walk around town and start fights."

More flags here than the U.N. building!

More flags here than the U.N. building!

Damn, this is sad.  The Green Mile was heavily flawed but he was terrific in it.  It is sort of funny that so many of his credits are as "Bouncer" or "Bodyguard," but would anyone else in Hollywood be as convincing in those roles?  RIP.

Damn, this is sad.  The Green Mile was heavily flawed but he was terrific in it.  It is sort of funny that so many of his credits are as "Bouncer" or "Bodyguard," but would anyone else in Hollywood be as convincing in those roles?  RIP.

"Reefer Sadness" just cries out to be said in Jim Gaffigan's "Hot Pockets/Eat Fresh" voice.

"Reefer Sadness" just cries out to be said in Jim Gaffigan's "Hot Pockets/Eat Fresh" voice.

I hear ya.  Hello, TLC?  There's other movies you could be showing!

I hear ya.  Hello, TLC?  There's other movies you could be showing!