Lascivious Loser

With a title like that, I don't know how they could lose.

With a title like that, I don't know how they could lose.

King Vidor's Our Daily Bread (30's movie about a farmers' co-op) is a mini-classic in this genre.

King Vidor's Our Daily Bread (30's movie about a farmers' co-op) is a mini-classic in this genre.

Yeah, stabbing scenes (like this, American Me, Goodfellas opening) have always bothered me more than people getting blown apart by guns.  I imagine neither would be fun to experience, but the "knives going in and out" effect always makes my skin crawl.

Hank's "displeased" expression makes him look like Tor Johnson.

Hank's "displeased" expression makes him look like Tor Johnson.

Her conversation scene with Skyler was truly a Rhapsody in Purple.

Her conversation scene with Skyler was truly a Rhapsody in Purple.

Second most memorable "I'm out" in TV history?

Second most memorable "I'm out" in TV history?

In real life?  There are several schools of thought…

In real life?  There are several schools of thought…



Who would have thought a scene with Garry Marshall could be so Kafka-esque?

Who would have thought a scene with Garry Marshall could be so Kafka-esque?

I think he was also the "What an asshole" guy from Airplane.

I think he was also the "What an asshole" guy from Airplane.

I was with you up to the "questionable taste in reading materials."