Lascivious Loser



One of the many, many stupefying moments from that "special."

One of the many, many stupefying moments from that "special."

"Titanic might not be an accurate representation of what went down"

"Titanic might not be an accurate representation of what went down"

Exactly.  Obviously that moment wasn't a high point for American political discourse, but at least Buckley and Vidal weren't muttering "I apologize if anyone was offended" crap the next day.  (Although Buckley later apologized for "queer.")

Exactly.  Obviously that moment wasn't a high point for American political discourse, but at least Buckley and Vidal weren't muttering "I apologize if anyone was offended" crap the next day.  (Although Buckley later apologized for "queer.")

*watches Honey Boo-Boo promo

*watches Honey Boo-Boo promo

They could go with "rape-aplogist" and not be too far off, although I prefer to think he was senile when he said that crap.  He has a stupendous legacy, maybe unmatched by anyone currently living, but he had an ugly side too.

They could go with "rape-aplogist" and not be too far off, although I prefer to think he was senile when he said that crap.  He has a stupendous legacy, maybe unmatched by anyone currently living, but he had an ugly side too.

He said some wacky shit in later years (called Samantha Geimer a "hooker") which was definitely regrettable, but damn, what a legacy.  Who do we have today who even comes close?  Bill Maher?  Ugh.

He said some wacky shit in later years (called Samantha Geimer a "hooker") which was definitely regrettable, but damn, what a legacy.  Who do we have today who even comes close?  Bill Maher?  Ugh.



There was a comment from one of the officers to Belloq about being "uncomfortable with this Jewish ritual" before the big unveiling.  Sort of a queasy moment, since it called to mind the real shit the Nazis were up to. 

^^^looked it up immediately after the page loaded^^^

^^^looked it up immediately after the page loaded^^^

First order of business:  Another Polanski cameo.