Lascivious Loser

First order of business:  Another Polanski cameo.

This sounds like a rip-off and yet another act of overindulgence from Jackson.  And I still can't fucking wait.

This sounds like a rip-off and yet another act of overindulgence from Jackson.  And I still can't fucking wait.

But then you'll be exahausted ahhhhurdur death take me now.

But then you'll be exahausted ahhhhurdur death take me now.

The Lost World?

It's lame but it's still better than anything off of "Summer in Paradise."

It's lame but it's still better than anything off of "Summer in Paradise."

"Good show last night."
"Yeah, quite good."

"Good show last night."
"Yeah, quite good."

I thought of Richard III after the final shot of last season's finale.

I thought of Richard III after the final shot of last season's finale.

Gotta love the passive-agressive "Not available on Dish" promos.

Gotta love the passive-agressive "Not available on Dish" promos.

Badger interrupting him with dumb guitar noodling was an absolutely perfect entrance.  Welcome back, idiot/much-needed comic relief.

Badger interrupting him with dumb guitar noodling was an absolutely perfect entrance.  Welcome back, idiot/much-needed comic relief.

The implications about Walter's moral decline contained within that wordless expression just chilled me to the marrow.

The implications about Walter's moral decline contained within that wordless expression just chilled me to the marrow.

They were probably watching it on AMC's Mob Week.

They were probably watching it on AMC's Mob Week.