Repeat Play

How about an Enter the Void type episode starting from when Peter is blanked out of existence…

I always thought Super Furry Animals was the British Flaming Lips.

I agree although I would say I am more than disappointed. Their early demos and the first album were excellent and I thought the He Gets Me High ep showed they could polish up their sound and still hold on to that scrappy edge. Here they just abandoned everything I liked about their sound.

I like all those albums and this one as well. The Pitchfork review was bullshit and certainly didn't read like a D+, but this review doesn't even make sense. Not even mentioning "Art of Almost" or "Capitol City"? It's like if the reviewer had to mention those he would be forced to use a less middling vocabulary, so he

This. She seems to have found this balance by actively rebelling against the cutesy indie girl image that was projected on her early in her career. There seems to be some kind of unspoken consensus that "playfulness" for women musicians equates to preciousness or whimsy. I think there have always been dark

Fair enough, but music and lyrics work together. That's how pop music works. The words on the page might seem trite but when you add the music, intonation, attitude and intention behind them, they become something more - maybe not original (how much does so-called originality even matter anyway?) but they do draw from

I watch Dr. Who every week with my 9 year old daughter. She is having that "legitimate" Who experience where she watches from behind a pillow for most of the show and covers her head with a blanket when she gets spooked. She cried when the Doctor left Old(er) Amy to die, then she said that this episode was the one of


I played "The Dumb Song" at my wedding.

I know it's a day late but you might like this:

The book is alright for what it is - a 22 yr old kid with a Fitzgerald/Hemingway obsession attempting to write literary fiction. Of course, it would never had been published at all if it wasn't a keen insight into a much younger, less warped Thompson. That's really it's only value at this point. That said, I am very

I think that'll do for the caption, alt-text, footage not found jokes. All used up in one fell swoop.


Absolutely no one in the past thirty odd years has ever made an argument exactly like that one before. Good job!

Ok Tom, I pre-ordered. Do I get the invitation to the listening party now?

Cook was a good sport for doing the show but it doesn't change the fact that he's the Anthony Kiedis of stand-up using a penchant for gymnastics to gloss over a lack of talent.

I will never set foot in the ocean again. That's how much fuck fish.

Also, since I really like Here Comes the Indian, Animal Collective is on my list.

Fugazi - 13 Songs to The Argument. So basically their entire career.

Still clearing samples?
Sending mixed signals.