Fast Zombie

Let me kill your happiness right there, sport.
Also in Best Rock Performance: Every teardrop somehow becomes a very moist Depend.

You'd be grouchy too if somebody took your picture in front of a Bob Rock-produced Metallica album.

"The new Serbian family!!!"
If you get the reference, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I don't mind a writer interjecting himself in an article if he is mildly interesting. This guy sounds like a world-class twot.

You will excuse me if I know him as the guy who wrote the blindness apocalypse named Blindness.

Considering how Jackson and Spielberg have taken a huge dump on this series, faithfulness alone should bump it to A- territory.

It's also supposed to be Tantan with a soft T according to my European friends. Are you people just punking us?

I think you mean barnacles, you Bashi-bazouks.

Because they sell direct. All the money goes to the band.
They got a sweet prerelease deal.

Funambulist is a good track to warm up with.

Yeah, but the heavy hitters sales-wise are Staind and similarly awful bands. I'd like Revocation to stomp that bullshit to pieces, but that's just not happening.

37th, I don't have time to waste till the next Loud comes along so I'm just going to post something unrelated. Cormorant — get on that shit. NPR's streaming the whole album.

Fact. Their show sold out in 7 minutes in my town. I hate people, so smug in their 7-minute bubble.

Some Grills.

Christgau if you want to be specific.
EDIT: To be fair he called correctly on this one, but I still hate the guy.

:: Nonwhite person coughs politely ::

"In the meantime, go listen to The Argument again for an example of a goddamn phenomenal way to go out."
A fucking men

Super 8: Loved the credits and scenes that led to them.

Tremors wins of course, but do see Slither. Tons of quotables and the best use of an Air Supply song in a movie. Ever.

I thought Super 8 was just a clever taxidermy of Spielberg's films. Not bad, but considering the hype and budget, I expected more.
EDIT: Add Slither (which also borrowed heavily from older films) to Tremors and we're good.