The Token Blonde

@Emgeekay, I didn't say it was ridiculous, I said it was *hilarious*.

I can't believe that no one's mentioned (or if they did I didn't see it) the Krumper Brian Henry's "I'm Krumping for Jesus" speech? Oh dear god, we laughed so hard our sides hurt.

Tap sucks. It belongs in the percussion section, not a dance show, and I agree that the show has probably figured this out.

This show…
…is my SYTYCD methadone.

Season 4 (Mark's season) was the first one I watched, started about a third of the way in, and while I loved it, it's only in hindsight that I appreciate how truly remarkable that season was. While there's been some great stuff since, and this is probably just the bias of how new and shiny it was talking, my all-time

OK, I'm kinda late to the party here, but just wanted to say how excited I am that this show (and the AV Club reviews) are back!

TAR and female teams
I've likely given this way too much thought, but stick with me here—

LOL @ i and 1… thanks for that.

I hate how much this comes down to luck of the draw, who gets the good cab driver. I would love it if they had to drive themselves, and there were penalties for speeding or otherwise disobeying traffic signals… maybe there's a liability issue here? If so, they could have rental cars with some official TAR hired

Oh, I think Robert will be OK. Have you seen his new(ish) show, Restraunt Impossible? Damned entertaining. Also, I cannot spell the word "restraunt" and my phone can only guess that I am trying to say "restraint."

Also enjoyed the review. Thanks!

Um, he really never looked good. What gets me is the half slouch thing he's constantly doing, always makes him look like he's going to try to sell you drugs…

@split7inch, I'm glad you mentioned Tom introducing the dishes, that to me was the most "off" thing about this episode. Why would they do that? I don't think they've ever done it like that before, and it was awkward and just made no sense. What, the contestants were not presentable to come and introduce their own

I was very confused when Christina said something like "this is my last chance to do something like this with my dad because I'm getting married." Anyone else notice that? Because after you get married, you are of course chained to your house and/or your husband…

What does it take to win on this show?
I would love for The Amazing Race to be more skill/intelligence based… but historically I think luck is the most important factor. A good taxi driver can make or break you faster than anything else. My break-down would be:

OK, it was a stupid challenge, but the vending machine quickfire brought us that whole-Cheeto-standing-up-in-a-mashed-up-Snickers atrocity, and for this it forever has my love.

I'm also looking forward to that face-off. Do we have any chefs left who are from the same season? Ah, the answer is only a wikipedia away, yet I am too lazy…

Really? We liked this? I thought it was pretty damned weak. Sure, it's nice to see everyone cook good food for the elimination challenge, but having the family members at the table was a TERRIBLE idea as it meant the entire meal was nothing but a boring love-fest.

I think for a team that arrives when a number of others have already picked a given task, it makes sense to pile on at that task as well. Generally on TAR it seems best to stick with the pack, as the possible benefit of breaking away (taking the lead) does not outweigh the risk of ending up in last place and

After having multiple severe tonsil infections and then having a tonsillectomy at age 35, my husband briefly was in his "ideal weight zone" per the gov't BMI charts. He looked like a cancer patient, gaunt and unhealthy. Now he's back to being "overweight" and he looks so much better (and is healthier). Which is