
He pops up in tons of stuff. If we check back in with Erlich again he will probably be back.

But if she had already encountered Evil Coop the setup of her verifying whether he was different or not doesn't make sense

Uhh… But this was her first time meeting Evil Coop

He was way too young

His presence in both shots (he first appeared behind the military woman when she was on the phone) was accompanied by electrical buzzing sounds, so I think it's safe to assume that whoever he is, he is no good. The first shot of him had a very J-horror feeling to it.

I almost groaned out loud

BOB Leland read ittttttttttttttttttt

mister marbles?

she's terrible
I don't know if lampshading it makes the blatant uh… chauvanism(?) okay

Anyone else think that post-attack crime scene sequence was bizarre as hell. Like not Twin Peaks bizarre but just… weird


"freeze" could explain why some of the guy's skin was left on the gun grip

It was saying "freeze?"
I thought it was saying squeeze or twist (tweeze?) or something.

That was probably my favorite episode since the 2-part premiere. Much more coherence and a feeling of forward momentum in nearly all parts. That isn't to say I'm not down for some extended weirdness, but I do like to feel like it's going somewhere. I was so happy to see Warren Frost come back if only for a small part!


The Tonight Show
Nothing Is Fun There

also possibly a serial killer

To be honest, I'm disappointed we didn't actually get to see Jamiroquai.
This show doesn't pull genuinely emotional strings very often, but damn it was almost heartbreaking to see Jared, the most loyal guy on the show, finally become disillusioned with Richard. Jared's like a really weird, awkward puppy.
So was that

the bus couldn't slow down

that's what you get for being impatient