
I'm enjoying it for the most part. There's always some part of most Lynch projects that annoys me, though. The original series was my favorite thing I've seen from him. All of his films feel like they are trolling the audience in some way and I get that feeling from this iteration. Still it's one of the best things on



upvote if you hate me

Ehhh, participating in the TV Club comments here has been a enjoyable pastime of mine for years now. Lately people seem to have less discussions and more just see who can be the first to shout something. Of course it doesn't *matter* what the first comment is, but it gets very tiresome to see something stupid over and

gamers are the worst

I want one of those HD bundle dealies because I haven't played either

that guy gets around

I hate brats no matter where they come from. Parents need to put the law down on that shit.

People can still mock it. If gamers have one ability it's the ability to get rilled up about literally anything.

uh.. no there are a whole lot of those
at least the first part

stupid am good now

Can we get a bundled remaster of Dark Souls 1 & 2 plz.
But anyway I love SotC but I don't need it twice so I'm good.

It's a shame most of his dialogue is just various versions of "fuck"

Subarus are not pieces of shit, and Jimmy drives a piece of shit

Spoiler: He's also a restaurateur!

Burning an old lady, an old lady that valued and trusted him, to get a payday – the very people he was supposedly looking out for with his practice – is really low. Also it sucks that highschool clique mentality never disappears in life, even when you're in a retirement home.

I recently started playing Far Cry 3 again because I never finished it (and I have a compulsive need to finish every game I start), and one of the few saving graces of its absolutely ATROCIOUS story and writing is that Michael Mando plays the main villain.

The way it was cut made me think it was a blackout. Because that's what it feels like when it happens. Your brain just flips off and suddenly you're awake again, but you know… it's later.

Fuckin' knew it. There's a reason I get an anxiety spike every time someone in a TV show is driving and the camera holds still on them. I felt a crash coming but I wasn't sure how or why (I feel like someone usually gets t-boned in those scenes, often they have the camera like that so you get the quick shot of the