
@ Whataworkout: What is your favorite line of Jesse's from the Better Call Saul episode?

I think the general complaint against Betty Draper is the way she treats her kids. She is such a neglectful mother, content with having the TV or the housekeeper do the child-rearing in her household. I feel disgusted with Betty almost every time she says something to her daughter, Sally. Some of the stuff she says is

@John248: laundering is simply concealing the actual source(s) of illegally obtained money, so that the IRS can't trace the money in the sense that someone is living outside of their means. That would likely result in an audit, and the uncovering of a criminal enterprise. To launder effectively, you need some sort of

I like your ideas there, D. The only thing is that Walt would not be "safely in prison." Even Saul could have him killed in prison, such as when he suggested they have someone shank Badger in the chow line.

I like her a lot, but that's probably because she has a horse face, and I'm a donkey-raping shit-eater.

Decidedly Ambivalent - after your dissection of GF III up there (in addition to many other entries) you are quickly becoming one of my favorite commenters on here

It's not a bad thing when your friend's mother WANTS a Mexican Avalanche, it's the right thing. It's not your fault she's into the really freaky shit.

Hank seemed to be on the right path last year after Saul set up Jimmy In-n-Out to take the fall after Badger the fuckup got pinched. He was standing by his car with a revelatory look of "this doesn't add up" on his face after the whole thing went down. He even told his colleagues that he didn't believe for a second

That should say "in THE first episode"

I find it odd that he still wears tighty whities. In this first episode, it made sense, what with his completely emasculated life.

Regardless of Tio's keyboard punching skills, he never saw Heisenberg in the hat. Of the 3 people who did, only Tuco could have conceivably related Heisenberg's description to the cousins, since the one guy was dead almost immediately, and Gonzo died shortly thereafter in his attempts to bury him.