
This films is awesome, don't believe the haters.  And Noel seems to want it to be a freaked-out take on the gangster film, which it isn't.  It's a phantasmagoric Odyssey about trying to restore a corrupted past. Yes, there is sort of a sense that Maddin is throwing a lot of disparate elements at the screen and seeing

Book within book
Rowan, I read the book a while ago, but I recall being under the impression that The Blind Assassin, the book attributed to Laura, was not the science fiction fable itself but the narrative of the two lovers composing it that we do get to read. Otherwise, why would anyone make the connection between

Radiohead music
Did Johnny and Thom's stuff make it into the movie? All the reports I read on this seemed uncertain.

I agree. I think he's covered many of the same themes better elsewhere, but it's a far more personal film than most people seem to realize.

Hair down, glasses on!

In Defense of Phil
I think Phil and Claire's relationship is actually one of the best parts of the show. The episode with Ed Norton went a long way towards explaining how she could be married to such an apparent dunce.

I think this one might be a bit more consistent, but there's no single song as great as "Good Arms vs. Bad Arms" or "The Twist" (or, come to think of it, "Keep Yourself Warm"). I'm also missing the rawness of the lyrics a bit. They feel more sanitized on this album. Not a lot of "or should we kick its cunt in?"

I think the sequencing could've been improved. The back end of the album is a bit too Albarn-heavy, I wish those songs had been more evenly distributed.

I saw them live about a year ago and they played some pretty great new stuff. Don't know how much of it will end up on the album.

The only part of LTROI that plays remotely like a horror film is the subplot about the townspeople. The main storyline is much closer to a love story (I'm not a pedophile, it's all about the way it's structured) with supernatural elements.

Are we really calling Gangs of New York a "classic" now? I thought I was only supposed to like the DDL scenes. Damn it Murray, stop making it so hard to conform!

What about Pee Wee Attacks! (In Adult Theaters)?

Southland Tales
Does anyone actually understand that movie?

I find your sarcasm unwarranted, sir. While I would not go so far as to call Big Fish a masterpiece, it made me cry and featured a young Miley Cyrus in one of those crazy pre-fame-child-star-cameos that fascinate me so(see also: Zac Efron in Firelfly, Michael Cera in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind). Plus it

Hot Tob Time Machine is surely the greatest title since Snakes on a Plane. Nothing in the trailers so far has remotely lived up to the title except for Craig Robinson's recognition of the hot tub time machine in question.

I too am glad that Del Toro is behind this, he seems to be at the top of his game while Jackson is looking more and more like a director who has already reached his peak (Heavenly Creatures, LOTR, and King Kong, which is decidedly not terrible) and may have a more promising future as a producer (District 9). He still

I dare you to name a better song than Son the Father that begins with flute.

That breathing is obviously swedish for "I'm king of the world!"