Tintin LaChance

The problem for me with Sara's stuff was that it felt like she said to herself, "Well, I got this idea for my focus from that time I did some performance art, so obviously I have to include the performance art in my finished collection."  If I came across her mattress piece by itself in an art museum, I would've found

In my ideal world, the finals would have been down to Sara, Kymia, and Dusty.  Sure, Dusty might not have made the best piece this week (though I liked it a lot better than John), but I would've been really interested to see what he did with the extra studio time.  His pieces tend to involve putting together small

Don't get me wrong, I love the song, too, and I get really defensive over the idea that it's rape-y.  But even within the song's historical context, I can see where people who get the date-rape idea are coming from—Mickey Finns weren't invented yesterday, after all.


The "Baby, It's Cold Outside is unequivocally about date rape!" meme is one I wish would die, ugh.

Wait wait wait, I have to choose between Daria and Slings & Arrows?

This episode didn't make me laugh as much as other episodes from this season, but it did finally make me get off my ass and watch Apocalypse Now, so I think it was great.  (I'd never seen Apocalypse Now or Hearts of Darkness, but I was familiar enough with both of them—and Conrad, for that matter—to get it. 

I didn't like Thomas during series 1, either, but I think he becomes much more sympathetic in series 2.  I think it becomes increasingly obvious in the second series that when he's being an asshole in series 1, it's his way of taking out his frustration at being working-class and gay in a world that treats him like

[vague spoilers, just in case anyone reading cares]

Ah, yes, disliking Lola's piece makes me a neocon.  Good to know—I'll keep that in mind in the future.

I'm really sick of Lola's fascination with other people's revolutions.  While I think that the technique she used this week was interesting, the content of her piece seems about as tackily grabbed-at as Young's. Maybe because she always seems a little condescending about the people over in Africa who actually have a

I still think Leon and The Sucklord were both robbed. 

Man, just reading the title of some of these makes me feel teary.

I'm glad they didn't film it, but I can't watch the credits and imagine him doing anything else when he gets home.  It's just so beautifully Withnail.

Which could've been even bleaker if they'd left the original ending, where Withnail commits suicide by tipping wine into a gun's barrel and shoots himself with it.

I think Velvet Goldmine has an incredibly bleak ending.  I didn't realize it for years because of how brightly coloured and hedonistic the rest of the movie is (and also because I saw it for the first time at 18—and I was stupid at 18).

Other good choices.  Someone above mentioned Rudy Valentino had 40 screen credits between the ages of 19 and 31, which also might bear mentioning?  IDK what the low end of "prolific" would be in this case.

Next week, can we have people who died young and left behind really big bodies of work?  I nominate Elliott Smith, Schubert, and Henry Kuttner.

You guys should do a list of category songs in general sometime—half the songs on this list would qualify.