Tintin LaChance

I love The Philadelphia Story, but sometimes I turn it off right after
Jimmy Stewart gets drunk and carries Katharine Hepburn home while trying
to sing "Over the Rainbow."  It breaks my heart that they don't end up
together in that film.

That was like walking around the grocery store with my grandparents.  Pick something up!  Complain about it.  Put it back.  Pick something else up!  Mildly related anecdote, easily disproven "fact" (did you know you can't eat lemons?).  

Whenever I see that it's a two-page essay, I always know I'm going to like it a lot—the longer ones always seem to be the strongest ones for me.  This was a great article.

Maybe we could just do a series-long version of that Deep Space 9 episode where everyone's a pulp writer and throw Bradbury, et al., in as well.  I just can't bear having Robert Bloch and not Henry Kuttner.

Completely agreed.  If you're going in for a conspiracy theory film, you're bound to be disappointed.  If you want to watch a poorly socialized seventeen-year-old girl learn how society works while playing a deadly, transcontinental game of cat and mouse, you're going to be damned satisfied.  I was, anyway.

That almost makes up for how shitty an episode it is.  Amazing.

Re: Firefly: I'd watch "Safe" any day over "The Message."  Ugh.

I might be in the minority here on this, but I wish the Oscars would just stop pretending that it's relevant and hip. I want a self-absorbed awards show that doesn't bother with stupid "this is why people like movies, thus justifying our existence" shit and just gives out relatively meaningless awards to people in