omelette du fromage

I think the problem is that one thing happens per episode and it takes the entire episode to build to it. Moment-to-moment, this show has some really fantastic dialogue and acting. But I'm too distracted by the threat of some kind of plot development to enjoy it.

It's not just good and bad. It's more complex than that. I think Gamby is a three dimensional character who knows what he wants, but feels remorse when he does despicable things to get there. Russell is a sociopath who wants to destroy Brown to exercise some control over his life. Russell pushes Gamby further than

I also think it's funny for the notion that social security numbers are assigned sequentially. Not to mention, the Mr. Burns is old joke.


Kristen Schaal is great, but Carol was never developed enough for Phil's change of heart to feel genuine. She's still not likable. None of these characters were developed enough for it to seem like Phil was losing anything by leaving. Especially now that there are 7 "last people on earth," how long could it be before