
I'm unfamiliar with Volume 21. Downloading it now, but i'm really not sure how it could be better than Volume 4 which is an album i have been listening to on a semi-regular basis for more than a decade now.

Protip: Make it LSD instead, leave the earplugs at home.

B+? Put down the meth pipe, dig your head from the latest edition of jugs magazine, and join us here in reality.

This album is bad. I never was a big fan of white duos from Ohio banging out "Garage Rock Blues" in a fairly mediocre manner so i don't have a i used to love these guys and oh my God what have they done with their own music attitude like a lot of people. I think it's cool they're trying something new but their foray

I got this album a few days ago and i haven't listened to anything else since. It's fucking Epic. Easily Swans greatest achievement and possibly the best and most creative Rock record in twenty years or more. It's astounding the main creative force behind this music is a creepy looking 60yo man. Seriously, download