Jon Graef

"I'm not sure whether his low-wattage John Wayne impression is deliberate, but it's pretty damn funny"

"Wow, I never thought Eckhart/Dent was an idealistic humanist, he seemed a fatuous square jawed politician with a hero's martyr complex."

"Oh, and Batman does come across as conservative- even almost like a vigilante fascist. He does, however, ultimately concede to the natural rights of the people and surrender his means of thwarting or eliminating those rights. He tends toward extreme conservatism but that impulse is held in check by an intense,

"they all come off a little douchey in these interviews"

Sentence question
"Director Tony Scott and screenwriter Brian Helgeland have replaced the original's exquisitely observed sense of time and place…with a one-size-fits-all cityscape so generic the film might as well take anywhere and cutesy bits of business like a slacker video-messaging his girlfriend throughout the

Bleak Sauce
I usually like to have a strong amount of bleak sauce on my hopeless sandwich, with a despair pickle on the side.

That's strange. I can see the grade (D+, if you're wondering). Maybe it's a browser/cache issue? Try refreshing. Other than that, I got nothing.

I was about to ask what the grade for this film was, but then it magically appeared as I logged in to comment. I guessed about a C- based on the content of the review itself (not that anyone really cares). "Downloading Nancy" sounds like a title of a Farrelly Bros. comedy…does this film at least have some

John Salley was also a member of the Chicago Bulls for one glorious year (1996).

"I'd be far more inclined to think that he ate at El Famous Burrito while filming in Chicago…"

Favorite Conan Sketch
I was always fond of the boy band Conan started, "Dudes A-Plenty". Watching that at the height of the late-Nineties boy band craze (as opposed to the one occurring now) was extremely cathartic for my then pseudo-metalhead self.

I'd rather take the billion Stanley nickels