Justin Bieberbrox

I believe the accepted nomenclature is "Van Hagar."

Coke slurpee at the movies is the jam. Something about frozen carbonation is just delightful. That's pretty much the only soda I drink now.

Anyone who has tried using a Soda Stream with anything other than water is silently shaking their head right now. My advice: don't.

No reference to King's acting is complete without mention of his appearance in Sons of Anarchy as the cleaner who disposes of the dead housekeeper. His perfect role - all it took was his presence and knowledge of all the creepy stuff he can dream up, and didn't need to say anything.

Truly, in a world of deep, heartfelt, soulful filmmaking, Wes Anderson stands out as a slick purveyor of cheap Hollywood schlock aimed only at making a buck. That's why his films are always in such wide release.

Don't get me started on Hollywood's irrational rejection of thought bubbles!

Gaggalak mursto!

I'm referring to the pic that's in this video: https://www.youtube.com/wat…. Chris and Sarah are in focus and looking ahead, but Sean is blurry in the background and it sure looks like he's glaring at Chris.

i was told there would be punch and pie.

I'm a fan of Nickel Creek, but the last couple of times I saw them (right before the hiatus), there seemed to be palpable tension between Thile and Sean Watkins on stage. Thile is unquestionably a musical genius (he even has the MacArthur grant to prove it), but he clearly knows this and sometimes comes off as

That sure sounds like a guitar at about 1:40. Bass guitar, maybe, but guitar nonetheless (and with a fuzz box, so even more "guitar" sounding).

Well, now that you mention it… No. It's not a stretch at all. It's the unvarnished truth. Sean O'Neal would never mislead us.

Seems like he really ought to be hanging out with Gandalf and Picard. The three of them could get up to some excellent elderly shenanigans, I'd wager.

It's a gladiator picture! Whaddya need, a road map?

Don't be fatuous, PharaohSheltie.

Nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.

But the Tropicana's where they lost their heart!

That was my first thought as well.

Nope, there's a link to the teaser - not the new, full-length trailer the article's about.

"Benedict Cumberbatch"? Where do they come up with these names?