Justin Bieberbrox

And for an alternative viewpoint… I mentioned to a pop-culture-savvy friend that I have been known to visit this site, and his response was "I stay away from the AV Club, the commenters there are a bunch of oversexed neanderthals."  So, you know, there's that.

And for an alternative viewpoint… I mentioned to a pop-culture-savvy friend that I have been known to visit this site, and his response was "I stay away from the AV Club, the commenters there are a bunch of oversexed neanderthals."  So, you know, there's that.

Yes!  I was waiting for Magnolia.  I was thinking that John C. Reilly's scene where he loses his gun in the rain was a great example for this article - dude has completely, irretrievably proven at that moment that no matter how good his intentions may be, he's a complete fuckup.

Yes!  I was waiting for Magnolia.  I was thinking that John C. Reilly's scene where he loses his gun in the rain was a great example for this article - dude has completely, irretrievably proven at that moment that no matter how good his intentions may be, he's a complete fuckup.

SPOILER: They'll rake and hoe you down!

SPOILER: They'll rake and hoe you down!

Same reaction here.  "Oh, they must've cut off his… but he's still alive, so… wait, now his legs… oh shit… oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…"

Same reaction here.  "Oh, they must've cut off his… but he's still alive, so… wait, now his legs… oh shit… oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…"

I kept waiting for the big dubstep bass drop in the middle, but it never came.  Don't the James Bond producers know that's all the kids want these days?

I kept waiting for the big dubstep bass drop in the middle, but it never came.  Don't the James Bond producers know that's all the kids want these days?

Is this really true?  My understanding was that Netflix's own servers can get overwhelmed during high-traffic times and cause buffering issues on their end.

Is this really true?  My understanding was that Netflix's own servers can get overwhelmed during high-traffic times and cause buffering issues on their end.

Ah yes, the old days when I'd wander the aisles of the store for an hour before finally muttering "This is all horseshit" and renting Herbie the Love Bug again.

Ah yes, the old days when I'd wander the aisles of the store for an hour before finally muttering "This is all horseshit" and renting Herbie the Love Bug again.

$7.99 for instant + $7.99 for 1-disc-at-a-time = a single fee of $15.98 for both.  This ain't rocket surgery, folks.

$7.99 for instant + $7.99 for 1-disc-at-a-time = a single fee of $15.98 for both.  This ain't rocket surgery, folks.

Your loss.  You do realize that beef and chicken are also made of slimy, bloody animal parts too, right?

Your loss.  You do realize that beef and chicken are also made of slimy, bloody animal parts too, right?

Mother Jones, Utne Reader… you know the type.

Mother Jones, Utne Reader… you know the type.