Justin Bieberbrox

Don't forget, his middle name is Hussein!  And I have it on reputable authority that he's… BLACK!!!

Don't forget, his middle name is Hussein!  And I have it on reputable authority that he's… BLACK!!!

Mostly through the Simpsons' reference to Billy Beer, probably.  Although possibly aired before they were born, constant reruns keep Simpsons references in perpetual currency.

Mostly through the Simpsons' reference to Billy Beer, probably.  Although possibly aired before they were born, constant reruns keep Simpsons references in perpetual currency.

Is it 4AM already?  Damn.

Is it 4AM already?  Damn.

People used to use them to start fires, apparently.  Before the iLighter app, of course.

People used to use them to start fires, apparently.  Before the iLighter app, of course.

Interesting too that they got booted for the same reason.  Both made a dish that was too simple and lacked flavor (Mark's teppanyaki seared scallops and bok choi, and Clark's corn salad).  I know their restaurant in Maine, Arrows, is a farm-to-table kind of place; maybe they're used to such amazing produce that they

Interesting too that they got booted for the same reason.  Both made a dish that was too simple and lacked flavor (Mark's teppanyaki seared scallops and bok choi, and Clark's corn salad).  I know their restaurant in Maine, Arrows, is a farm-to-table kind of place; maybe they're used to such amazing produce that they

The more important question is… what nubile young starlets have signed on for this script?  I keep refreshing the page hoping for an update.

The more important question is… what nubile young starlets have signed on for this script?  I keep refreshing the page hoping for an update.

At least they play actual instruments and write their own songs.  That causes me to be happy that they're selling albums (or whatever the kids call them these days).

At least they play actual instruments and write their own songs.  That causes me to be happy that they're selling albums (or whatever the kids call them these days).

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle… motion.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle… motion.

Anyone else wonder why Mark got COOKED lobster for the quickfire, when everyone else seemed to be working with raw seafood?  I get that lobster isn't really edible uncooked, but fine - leave it off the table.  Seems like a different beast to be working with cooked-then-chilled seafood, as opposed to raw.

Anyone else wonder why Mark got COOKED lobster for the quickfire, when everyone else seemed to be working with raw seafood?  I get that lobster isn't really edible uncooked, but fine - leave it off the table.  Seems like a different beast to be working with cooked-then-chilled seafood, as opposed to raw.

Agreed.  Cosentino seems intense, but not in a bad way.  And Art Smith seems like a diva who is often performing for the cameras instead of cooking and would be very frustrating to work with in a kitchen.

Agreed.  Cosentino seems intense, but not in a bad way.  And Art Smith seems like a diva who is often performing for the cameras instead of cooking and would be very frustrating to work with in a kitchen.