
There'll be no accusations ~!
Just friendly crustaceans, under the sea ~!

Now do the Elder Scrolls. I want to know if sweetrolls are as good as they are in my dreams.

Yeah I don't get how so many shitty shows get a write-up here, but not a quality show like this.

"Really good, verging on great" is the perfect summation.

I agree, that's pretty insane.

How about a proud heroin user? Or a heavy smoker who loves his black lungs just the way they are?

One of the few sane comments on here. I'm feeling some relief reading this.

Wrap it up, science. Squirrels05 on the internet has posted slam-dunk anecdotal evidence.

"Confirming anew that someone at HBO is capable of reading numbers and assigning meaning to them…"

I think you mean "Clay bares his sins", Zack.

I think you mean "Clay bares his sins", Zack.

That's not ironic.

How did that convince him global warming is a hoax?

You have written something divorced from reality and inexplicably managed to get likes. If anything, as a long-time viewer, it's Maher's barely repressed disdain for the audience that puts me off sometimes.

Give this man a cigar.

God help me I loled hard.