
I don't see that Picard was doing a "take both sides" thing. He seemed pretty unequivocal in telling Riker and Crusher, "Worf is a Klingon, which means for him, being crippled is as good as being dead."

I did read that Locarno was replaced by Paris because of the royalties thing, but I also read that the creators of Voyager felt that Locarno was too irredeemable. Not sure I believe that; so why create such a similar character for Voyager? And Locarno throwing himself on the sword for his friends redeemed him

Helmsmen don't wear red uniforms? Then what were Ro, Wesley, and Geordi in the first season wearing? In fact, every helm officer wears a red uniform as far as I can tell.

Picard says they may have been more dangerous to the colony than any core fragment could ever have been. Really? More dangerous than COMPLETE AND TOTAL DESTRUCTION?

Anyone notice how Rasmussen geeked out over the Enterprise using its phasers to drill holes in the planetary crust as if that was the solution that made history? And how that "solution" turned out to be a huge failure? At that point, Rasmussen's credibility became so clearly questionable that the crew should have

Thoughts: Troi's complete inability to understand ANYTHING O'Brien and Ro were saying was so contrived. She really couldn't figure out what would happen if the containment field that was separating the matter from the antimatter failed? She had to be told the Enterprise would explode?

My real problem with the whole Sela thing: it was pointless. Absolutely ANY smug-snake Romulan could have filled the same space in the story. That whole "I'm Tasha Yar's daughter" thing initially played like the Romulans were hoping Picard would be thrown off balance or he would go all soft on seeing her, but of

On the outer hull, it says USS Brittain. Memory Alpha is not the final word.

I'm pretty sure that in the turbolift scene, the ceiling appeared to Picard as though it was descending and about to squish him.

That nurse wanting to make love to an alien made me cringe and laugh at the same time. On one hand, it reminded me of "fully functional", it really did. On the other hand, Riker's face was priceless.