
OK, you know what, screw it. It's the 90s, let's go edgy. I'm thinking "Chadroom", you know, like on the nets? ….What? it's 2014. Ok. Brainstorm session here guys. How about "Chad attack"? You gotta help me out here, people, if this show doesn't get picked up, I am in serious trouble.If it'll help any, I co-wrote an

Ok- Pun incoming. This one's a thinker,no doubt. Ok. Ok. Get this: "College Daze". Except "daze" is spelled with a "z". Get it? Ok wait. Let me write it on this dry erase board for you guys. Why do they make it so difficult to get the cap off the marker? jeez. OK I'm sweating now. Anyone got a tissue? Hey, you intern,

OK guys. Enough about Community. Listen to this little doozy of a show I got stored in the old brainbox: