
You know how people cut themselves just to feel something? That's what the Virtute cycle is to me.

Quit splitting hairs, y'all. Everything they do is bloody brilliant.

Trubba not.

Tim Curry as the medical officer in Hunt for Red October. The worshipful look as he says "You'll get the Order of Lenin for this."

(See also: Farmer John.)

In other words, what Zack said: ". . . which is basically just a new form of a priest interpreting the word of God for the layman." Anxiety of influence, anyone?

Wide Ranger, good example with the Anasazi, but the thing to keep in mind is that every civilization (so far), has had a definite lifespan, i.e. has died out. Egypt's Old Kingdom lasted 500 years, followed by a 140 year interregnum before the Middle Kingdom got on its feet. Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Macedonia, Rome,

When Russel Hoban has a vision of St. Eustace, he creates a masterpiece. When I have a vision of St. Eustace, that usually means I'm about to hurl Jaegermeister.

Thanks, FarmerJohn! I enjoy all the speculation about the 1 Big 1, the 1 Little 1, the Hart of the Wud, etc. because I think one of Hoban's major themes here is that interpretation ("connexions") is necessary to give meaning to the revealed texts. It looks a whole lot to me like the Catholic Church's relation to

Great comment, FarmerJohn. I, too, was taken with the closing Punch show. What struck me most was how hostile the crowd was to any changes to the Eusa show—the rite was sacred. Once Riddley returned to the old script the crowd got right on board.

Welcome, EliB! Seconding MikeStrange in admiration and starstruckness.

"Post-post-apocalyptic" encapsulates the book perfectly.

first and second readings
Given the standard post-apocalypse scenario, I first approached Riddley Walker as a piece of sci-fi, albeit with the Tolkein-esque touch of an invented language. As a result, I think I cheated myself out of enjoying the book initially because it didn't fit my (admittedly adolescent and

For some reason, his name was funnier when I thought it was Super Hands.

Back in '86, I was on the studio lot with a friend who brought me in to watch a scene from One More Saturday Night (its working title was Date Night) being edited. Wow! Franken and Davis movie! I'm gonna have such bragging rights when it comes out!

Sometimes I wish everything ended after Empire Strikes Back and all of the questions were left hanging. It's not like we got satisfactory answers, plus the prequels would never have been made.

How To Read Riddley Walker
If you're having trouble, and you will, try reading it aloud.

How To Read Riddley Walker
If you're having trouble, and you will, try reading it aloud.