Scorpion Wins

It pains me to say this, but I may be getting too mature for details.

It pains me to say this, but I may be getting too mature for details.

But there isn't.

But there isn't.

George, we have a problem. There's a memo, here, from accounting telling me there's no such thing as the Human Fund.

George, we have a problem. There's a memo, here, from accounting telling me there's no such thing as the Human Fund.

This is my reason for coming to the TI now.

This is my reason for coming to the TI now.

It's going to be the Summer of George.

It's going to be the Summer of George.

You all know that some Hollywood exec is reading these puns and realizing that, collectively, they can be the script for Vampires Suck 2, right?

She'll hang herself in the changing room after trying on a swimsuit that's still too small.


Your work computer just saved you. Thank it.
I admit I listened to this autotuned dross and wish I hadn't.
Autotune should be declared illegal.

"Human cheese-fry" makes up for it though.


There should be one called "Release the Hounds" where they do actually Release the Hounds on whoever it is going to see these movies.

Speaking of K's……Mortal Kombat!! Finish Them!

Hold On A Minute
If this is Old Testament, i.e. before that Jesus guy, then how can it be Year 1? Unless it's 1 BC. Dammit, now it's gone and made me think, something I'm sure the movie did not intend to happen.