And just as a reminder, like most of the rest of its cast, Martin Short was WAY funnier and more varied when he was on SCTV. There's something about success that locks you in to whatever worked first and best. See also: Rick Moranis.
And just as a reminder, like most of the rest of its cast, Martin Short was WAY funnier and more varied when he was on SCTV. There's something about success that locks you in to whatever worked first and best. See also: Rick Moranis.
Umm…. I'm Jim Morrison if it means I get to indiscriminately hop into ladies' beds!
I remember the time Jim Morrison hopped into MY bed…
He was there to help me resolve the trouble I was having getting my wi-fi connection working. He kept the AT&T guy on the line while I rebooted, and he went out for coffees from Starbucks while me and the AT&T rep were arguing over whether or not I was going to…
I'd say he's…. not a fan.
Hush it, crusty old man "punk". Shimmy Disc was an AWESOME record label. Few albums recorded in the last twenty years can stand up to the pure psychedelic majesty of Bongwater's "Double Bummer". For that album alone, Shimmy Disc is ensured immortality in Valhalla.
The only thing that makes Turtle Neck and Chain (the song) work for me is the addition of the squeaky autotune voice going "sippin' on a light beer". I don't know why, but that little added detail cracks me up.
Micucci av was hot. This one is different. It's like a girl giving an imaginary blowjob to someone with a REALLY small penis. Doesn't work for me, as my penis is 23 feet long, a figure I've reliably and consistently stuck to for the sake of verissimilitude.
Deluxe Editions can blow me.
Seriously, that is some stupid shit. What about just enjoying the album in the final format decided upon by the band/producers/whatever, and not having to cobble together every stray track? Leave it for the boxset for assholes!
I think I just dumped a deuce in my own swimming pool. Why lord WHYYYY???
I thought it might be a young clean-cut Steven Tyler.
What I don't understand is the line of thinking that says mayo is an acceptable condiment to dip french fries in. Please, it is not. Ketchup or nothing.
I prefer the Final Countdown to the Solution.
Maybe have them use more lube.
I own it. I wasn't that impressed by it, but I did own it, and I never sold it back. It was decent enough hip hop. It was also a really weird little drop-in-the-bucket precursor to the behemoth they would become.
I hung out with them at a show in Kentucky a few years back, and they were two of the nicest people. We drank whiskey together.
His version of "If 6 Was 9" on the Axiom Funk recording was pretty cool too.
From beneath you it devours
Poops: from my bottom they smell terrible.
I'll expose you to some "ball culture"…
I like my pop dead and eviscerated in an alley behind a Papa Johns.
Why do I feel like I have this wriggling finger up my butt when you guys talk about this stuff?