King Bastard

I hate the era of movie-making I live in. I know remakes and reboots have always existed, so don't give me that lameass line; it ignores such critical contextual aspects as QUANTITY and RATIO. Compare the quantity of remakes/reboots, and/or the ratio of remakes to original concepts, of preceding eras to

I'm going to wallow in this!

I also like that it was left unanswered, because that to me fit in with one of MY favorite themes of the show, the idea that the people who live this life can never let their guard down, and never stop worrying about what skeletons from their past are going to show up and wreak havoc. This also ties in to my favorite

Well so what is your Twitter name, MDDG? I don't know that I've ever added you.

Well shit. I may end up having to just camp out on Twitter now. Large breasts have worn down my resolve against utilizing Twitter. And in record time I might add!

Goddammit MDDG. Like I don't have enough of my own dark little fantasies involving your large breasts, now you have to go and be a tease. "The Li'l Bastard" (as I call him) keeps me up at night with his pitiful mewling for your loving caresses… That little freak.

MDDG, you could fit in MY Pad. I've had it specially constructed to house you!

Or actually, one of my favorite lines:

Help help, the Alcalde has all my money!

Zorro the Gay Blade!

I just have an embarrassing love of farts.

I would.

The Botany Bay will never get me, because instead of trying to rule the earth while it's all full of people, I'll wait til they all leave, crying like little bitches about this 2012 crap, and then I can rule the earth without all that crying and bullshittery.

Word! Another vote for Frontline coverage!

I kind of wish everyone had a spaceship
Then I could let them all fly away before 2012, and I'd be the Omega Man, left to wander an empty earth, drinking all the Coke Zero left behind, and watching every single porno ever made, in chronological order.

Hey man, don't bungle the bean-bindling and I won't boost your beans!

One time he called me up and told me this knock-knock joke that had me literally shitting in my pants. It was disgusting, and I could not make it to the bathroom or any tiled surface before it started to pool out of the cuffs of my trousers, but damn, that man was funny!

Homeboy is pretty leathery to be preaching to others.

I love the self-titled album and the Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, its follow-up. However, that was all I needed. I do like them a lot, but a little goes a long way with Social D.

I just wish older people could have it too. *sigh*