
Charlie Brown Christmas will always be a classic. Also Squirrel Nut Zippers "Christmas Caravan" is always a good winter album, even for the bah-humbugs.

Checked out Terriers on Netflix. Good fun! I think if FX gave it more time it would have been successful.

I heard Robert Downey Jr. is ready to jump into the role of' Django's wise crackin, plantation owner whuppin, sidekick.

choir girl hotel and her, 'Guys are all douche bags(literally and figuratively). I think I'll go it alone.', album, boys for pele are my picks.

I was going to run out and buy The Tree of Life BluRay yesterday but then I realized, although the movie is stunning, I probably won't watch it again anytime soon. Maybe I'll wait and buy the 8 hour director's cut that will probably never be release.

I bet there's an abnormally large celebrity uvula website somewhere.

I was watching Georgia Vs Boise State on the ol' X-Box Live and some distinguished running back from the University of Georgia, of years past, commented to a sideline reporter that he attributes all of his accomplishments to "God, my lord and savior"….

I was 15 the last time I watched the X-Files. Back then I thought it was a bit dull and cheesy. Now that I'm older do you think I would find it more entertaining?

That sad sad little scene was just a precursor to the donkey spooge that was to come.

yeah…and the Hayden Christensen one in the subsequent pee-eww-quals

The last shred of respect I had for George got flushed down the toilet with The Phantom Menace.

I just finished up Battlestar Galactica a few minutes ago.
I think this has something to do with Katrina…

Do you remember when Heroes was good and then it went to total shit?…

My dad took me to Seven when I was 14. It was in a dank, second run theater that got demolished a year or two later (which ended up being a perfect setting for a movie like Seven).

The Wire
I fuckin miss that goddamn show!!!

Netflix instant is the only reason I am remotely interested in Spartacus

Screw "Smell-O-Scope". I want "Glans-Rub-O-Scope" …or something of that nature.

Miss Landers
is a stone fox.

The show had some awesome moments - it's just that they were too few and far between. A+ for the opening credits though.

I was ready to shut the wire down 4 episodes in and I'm bloody hell glad I didn't.