
Way to diss my number, SWW. lol

"She's doing that selective memory thing your mom used to be so good at."
"She doesn't remember anything?"
"She remembers that I'm dating a musician. So Oz has to come to dinner. That's kind of like taking an interest."

guys, way to over-analyze.

I have unspeakable love for Billy Connolly, simply because of his participation in the Muppet Treasure Island. Good. Stuff.

Haha, thank you. I'm reduced to utilizing my English Lit degree in the comments section of the A.V. Club.

Well Crap
I was into the show when I was young, but i jumped ship after it jumped the shark (right about when Mulder left). The X-Files was always best when it had it's tongue planted firmly in cheek (Bad Blood, Post-Modern Prometheus, etc) or when it was exploring the Mulder/Scully dynamic. I have to go see this

i was in middle school at the end of the nineties (so a bit younger than a lot of people here) but i still feel this incredible nostalgia just hearing the names of those songs. i remember going to the chesarena (the local skating rink so quaintly pathetic it belongs in a kevin smith movie) for school skate