no name joe is an oxymoron

I'd rather get the first line of Infinite Jest tattooed on me, as it would be literally true a large percentage of the time.

I'd rather get the first line of Infinite Jest tattooed on me, as it would be literally true a large percentage of the time.

Well, since they backtraced it to Manning, i would say that the consequences will never be the same, Yee Yee.

yes we have no bonanzas!

all he cared about was gleaming the cube… until the night they killed his brother

congratulations. i feel like you've been sitting on a lot of that information for a long time.



**stands up, takes a bow, gives you all the finger**


sean penn. 'nuff said.

jeez, now we need somebody to watch our tv and write about it for us? how lazy can we get america? do like the old days: be a couch potato, not an internet kumquat.

i shook his hand once. incredibly soft, it was.

no one seems to appreciate the fact that this is the finest example of post-modern storytelling on television, a medium that doesn't lend itself well to post-modernism. or do we all hate post-modernism? i don't hate post-modernism.

this sucked enough to shit out quickly, while Lost was too good to coherently cover in the TWO HOURS I'VE BEEN PATIENTLY FUCKING WAITING.

i thought farmville was only for moms that have facebook.

where am i?
how did i get here?

you know what i'm finding unfunny, barely coherent, and repetitive? these comment boards. fuckin 'ell.

my problem with all this brainwashing/"claiming pieces" business is that as soon as the smoke monster starts picking people off and they stop acting like themselves, i stop giving a shit. the whole point was to see the conclusion of these characters' stories and if they're not in their own minds, or making their own
