Jimmy Thinks You_re Emo

Heh, yep, that's when it went from "X-Files wannabe" to "oh holy SHIT must shotgun entire available episodes as soon as humanly possible" for me.



I know it flew under a lot of people's radar when it was first released, and I'm not surprised the review here isn't very long - plus I think comments go away after a while though on older articles? - but it comes up quite a lot in random comment threads.

"But I caught a film guys on Encore I don't ever recall seeing advertised back in its day or anything ever mentioned here."

Well, because it was on and I had the time, I watched season three of The Walking Dead, and whaddya know, you guys were right, it totally got down right engaging and I rarely had the urge to fast-forward at all! Shit, like, actually happened in every episode and really stupid character actions sheerly for creating

I must only watch the first three names before I wander off to fill up my glass before the episode proper starts.

I usually can't watch it til Tuesday night for various reasons, but yeah, I was confused when last week's review was Sir Not Appearing On This Website.  Maybe at least drop "we've decided to stop reviewing this show" a note in the WOT.

Yes this. I've got the DVR set to catch season five so I can rewatch.

If I recall, they seem to do it alphabetically?

Yep, I was that kid, too, and yes, it's really depressing to realize I can't hack even a book a month. WTF is wrong with me I am broken omg!  Once I get the evening, I'm already too brain-fried to read, most days; I need to try and get myself back into the habit of at least reading on my lunch hour at work.

I think that's part of the problem for me; I don't really know how to read a chapter or two, or just twenty minutes. I know how to read for an hour or more, or until I'm done. I've never, ever been able to control my impulse to just read the shit out of a book unless I'm doing it on a lunch hour. I'm already terrible

Oh no, I'm totally with you on that - one of the few things I prefer about hardbacks is that the dustcover flaps actually give you a book summary rather than just critical feedback.

I have whole lists of "Books I Want To Read" in a Gmail draft - I'm adding more from this very article - and yet I never seem to have the opportunity any more to just sit down and read anything new.  I always seem too tired - I can't properly process reading if I'm too mentally or physically worn out. It's very

Am I the only one who doesn't really worry about what the title has to
do with the story, after I've read the jacket blurb? 

I'll be even more contrary and say that the Golem/Jinni thing sounds interesting even though I found Jonathan Strange pedestrian and thought the Chabon I tried to read was dull and suffered from impressed-with-own-cleverness syndrome.

Have a good rest-of-the-holiday-weekend!

I really only wear tall boots with skirts, but right now I only have brown ones, no black at all, and I loooove boots with laces like that.   Those boots are super-good and you should feel super-good about them!

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit woman I may have to run out to our DSW this weekend and see if we have any of those because I have been wanting some boots JUST. LIKE. THAT. Those are fantastic!   (Yeah, I normally use TinyPic cause it's easy) And if you have pants that will cover the awesomeness of all the laces, you can probably

OH shit, I didn't know that was the same dude! But I SHOULD have!