Jimmy Thinks You_re Emo

I work about the same amount, but I don't have that communte (seriously mine is like 40 minutes round trip and 1.5 hour just sounds hideous). I try and eat something high protieny right around 4.30 -5, so when I finally get to the exercising bit about 7-7.30, I'm not murderously hungry.  Sometimes I will also scarf a

That is a new polar bear! I'm confused as well!

Hold up lemme get my catsuit on.

Did you put the Skittles IN the beer?

@LJo1:disqus I'm actually not; the stomach ickiness this week is all migraine-related When I'm not in a migraine-upswing, I can eat pretty much anything and I never have any issues at all. 's why all this migraine bullshit is so hugely frustrating. 

I get focused on two or three fake boyfriends for a good long while, usually dependent on what I'm watching/reading at the moment, and then eventually will focus on others.  They rarely fall of the Fake Boyfriends Chart for good, and Ewan would still pretty much win over everyone a throwdown. Because Ewan!  So one day

Minor correction: I have no real issue with Mutt, nor indeed with Shia in most roles.

Awww, none of that sounds like good comfort food for when you are feeling terrible. Make Al bring you something yummier to eat!

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Those biscuits in a can that you whomp on the counter to bust the tube open.

I actually have that DVD sitting unopened on the shelf at home; I found it at Big Lots for like three bucks & thought it looked interesting, but keep forgetting to watch it.

I thought I had gone full-blown lactose intolerant because the first incident happened right after eating some Boursin one day and ice cream the next, and so I just dropped all dairy. But I have since found that I'm okay with, say, whole milk in my tea, cheese on pizza, soft goat cheese, hard cheddars - but not ice

Is she convinced this is going to be a fun hobby for her, or is she convinced this will be a fun hobby that the two of you can do together?

HaHA, the joke's on you, nothin' in there but a shriveled up walnut!

But they weren't REAL biscuits. I never buy whomp biscuits in place of real ones because they just aren't the same at all.

Priiiiiingles.Pringles are the best. I always try to have them in my backpack when I fly because the pressurization can upset my stomach and Pringles magically fixes it.

Having your own office is GREAT! You will looooove it!

You know Han Solo and Indiana Jones are the same guy, right?

Yes, I always knew it was a prequel, because I was an obsessive little thing even then, but it was the first exposure I'd had to the concept.

Still feelin' the Chris Evans/Steve Rogers vibe, especially since some Winter Soldier production stills were release not too long ago.   Sometimes it's more Rogers than Evans because I am shallow.

It really is fairly shocking how deep his voice can go, too.