Nope, just an inside joke between me and a friend of mine!
Nope, just an inside joke between me and a friend of mine!
I do serious cleaning about twice a year, like spring and fall, and it always makes me feel better and super-accomplished, like I'm an adult or something.
They're now saying that money/gift cards is the best thing; apparently the donations of physical items is overwhelming and the donation centers are having trouble sorting through everything and finding places to store it all. I volunteer twice a month at a place for kids' assistance, so I'm going to go on Friday and…
Thanks! All the damage was about ten miles from me, so I am lucky.
If there is one thing I am not afraid of, it is cayenne, my friend. :) But I rarely use raw tomatoes, so thanks for that tip!
So do I, so do I! But it's never just quite right; I think I need to try different yogurts.
Mostly for kids, from what I hear.
That is fantastic! Good luck to your nephew!
Jimmy is a fictional hitman character of mine who thinks Jason Bourne is a kick-ass fighter, but totally emo.
Oooooooo those are sweeet.
Ceviche! I LOVE ceviche! My Mexican neighbor makes it sometimes and brings me some because she knows I love it. I'm kind of scared to make it because I am afraid I will not do it right and will poison myself.
Does that mean the lead singer of Queen was a T1000?
Not bad! Missing something, but not I'm not quite sure what - probably I haven't gotten the spices quite right. It's the first time I'd made it, so I haven't really played around with it yet. Also it's a tad bit dry, because I am infamous at putting waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much olive oil on things, so I tend to err on the…
Well that "C'mon C'mon" song just started playing on Pandora and kind of startled me; I've never heard it anywhere but on Rescue Me.
I took off Friday and planned to be lazy, but will probably end up volunteering at the Red Cross or some place helping sort through donations. And there should be garage cleaning Sunday maybe.
YES to colourful patterened ties always!
Yes! I thought it was "and the satisfaction" for the longest time, too, and I was like, "What satisfaction, Andy? WHAT SATISFACTION?!"
I made tabbouleh, some faux-schwarma-esque turkey using this recipe…, tzatziki, and…hmmm…oh yes, duck stock! YES DUCK STOCK. Using bones jealously hoarded from the half a duck I had at a Chinese restaurant. Have no idea how good it will be, but I made it, dammit.
Is there anybody in there?