I would have like to hear about "The Last Supper". Mainly because I was bored to tears until he swooped in like Superman and saved that movie. I would have voted for him.
I would have like to hear about "The Last Supper". Mainly because I was bored to tears until he swooped in like Superman and saved that movie. I would have voted for him.
He didn't know how to spend that money. It didn't come with instructions or a manual.
"yet refuse to acknowledge this publicly lest they upset constituents
who don’t like hearing that driving their kids to soccer practice in
SUVs is wrong."
No, you are correct. Though I like F&P and Fourvel as well.
I'll add my voice to support Paul. I think it gets shit on way too much. Now, it's not in Shaun or Hot Fuzz class. Not by a long shot. But god almighty, not many movies are. I laughed, appreciated some homages. it's only crime was being a little broad, but once I accepted that I enjoyed it for what it was.
Did anyone else note that Seth's voice was very odd last night. He sounded hoarse and didn't do his little smirks in the camera and audience to push punchlines harder.
It's like how I felt as Lost was winding down. The finale was coming up, and they were wasting a lot of time on shit I didn't care about. Not only do I not care about Robin-Ted, but they are doing a poor job in the run up to what I do care about. Did they not say the wedding was May 13, 2013? Shouldn't there be an…
Oh Christ, how could I forget about that commercial. The last three pairs of shoes I've bought were New Balance. They just always seemed to be the best shoe in the price range I was willing to shell out (ie, the cheapest). I had no idea I was fitting into a stereotype. But I'm 40, my cholesterol is comically…
At the very least, add someone else with him. He and Amy sharing back and forth added a little energy. McKinnon I think could bring a different comedic beat.
Affleck used to a be a really good standard host they would bring in yearly. I always wondered if SNL decided not to ask him back because of all the JLO backlash or it was him as he tried to be a little less out there.
Horny Lilly always bumps up the grade one full letter. Got a good dose tonight. Everything from throwing herself at Daniel-san to her overly eager smile at getting a lap dance was gold.
Ha, he'll always be Greg, the christian soldier who fought the wicked transvestites infecting his school while armed only with a pair of kick ass fingerless gloves who lost his shot at Prom King because of his ultra-liberal PC California classmates.
That's us Americans. Always mixing our booze with cherry cola or cheddar cheese.
So do her boots and mini skirt.
Except that he mispronounced anus.
I'm not sure the jr high dance sketch looked more expensive than any other sketch on SNL. Unless streamers and helium balloons cost a lot more in NYC TV dollars than they do when I get them at the Party Barn. That seemed an odd tangent. Maybe an excuse to shoe horn a Mr. Show mention to prove one's bona fides.
How would one even find this out? Also, I loved me some Kevin. But there's 10 to 15 other writers there. I somehow doubt his lone voice added enough to make the show much better or even different.
It's OK. There's no sugar in Pixie Sticks.
He should make these all into one movie. Period piece where the British are coming to take a gangsters illegal liquor. Whitey just wants to get out of the business after falling in love with a Harvard student who works as a hooker for away teams at Fenway to pay her way. Joseph Kennedy is the out of control sidekick…
I've been saying we should blow it up for years now. I danced on the wall, did a pushup on it, ate an egg on it. What more can you do with it?