Not That Bald

You want some of my weed?

Yeah, I'm all about the hair!

That was awful! They couldn't even get Jeff's beard continuity right!

Gee, when I saw there was a volcano pun thread starting, I thought it was gonna blow!

If this photo isn't the basis for a photo caption contest, I don't know what would be!

So, I could play Lincoln, right?

Never take a wookie to a 2nd location.

That escalated quickly!

At least they did an episode that took place AT the school so it felt more like a regular episode!

There are nearly 100 red balloons over there!

My take on this commercial was now you can fill your DVR with up to 5 times more shows that you WILL NEVER WATCH!

My take on this commercial was now you can fill your DVR with up to 5 times more shows that you WILL NEVER WATCH!

Will this be the rare case where the porn parody actually has a LARGER budget than the original film?

Waffles just pancakes with little squares in em!

So is Tilda Swinton finally going to get to play Bowie in something?

So close! That's what I get for commenting while pretending to work!

Can I milk you Citric?

I'll be in my room!

Someone's gonna hafta Cal-cutta bitch!

I also saw them on that tour. I remember how APPALLED we were when we bought the tickets and saw that they were $14.50! (We had seen The Who that same semester - Fall 1979 - for $9.50, which was about the top $ for concert tickets).
In other news, I'm old.