Lady AV Clubber

Sacrelicious, have you ever checked out Comet Gain? They are VERY different from Huggy Bear—quite twee—but they share at least one member, I believe, and are definitely infectious pop.

Shellac's first album! Probably my favorite album from 1994 now, although at the time I was 14, and quite the riot grrl, so I was very into Hole's Live Through This, and the Joan Jett album that had some songs she co-wrote w/ Kathleen Hanna on it.

surprised by the lack of Wire discussion in the comments
When the AV Club first started this series, I spent entirely too long thinking about what my year would be, and it's probably 1977 as well, in large part due to Pink Flag, which I think would make any list of my top albums of all time.

if a woman who was as attractive a lady as Guy Pearce is a gentleman
were interviewed here, 80% of the comments would mention jerking off.

Henry Cavill is not nearly attractive enough for me to want to masturbate to thoughts of him. I am very concerned about his casting in this franchise.

Javier Bardem is not nearly attractive enough for me to want to masturbate to thoughts of him. I am very concerned about his casting in this franchise.

Tom Hardy is not nearly attractive enough for me to want to masturbate to thoughts of him. I am very concerned about his casting in this franchise.

Yeah, McNutty and Sydnor could totally have been models.

I saw them open for the Ponys a little while ago (pretty sure that one of the dudes in Disappears is also in the Ponys) and they were rad.

Frodo Baggins was in a cult, and that cult was into ALIENS, man.

We shouldn't seek to change things that we find wrong, sexist, or racist about the world around us? Go ahead and judge women on their looks (I certainly judge men based on their looks) but when that is the only thing one considers in determining someone's worth, it IS sexist and it is not something to just accept. And

Thanks to UMD, AnglScarlett, and rev for bringing this up—it's bothered me about this site for a long time. AV Club's writers and posters are consistently funnier and wittier than the majority of similar sites on the internet. I hate, however, that every time an article on a woman is posted the conversation largely