
Denby and Lane are great— definitely old New Yorker-style coots, though, which is up my alley. AO Scott is on level with Roger Ebert (RIP) in my opinion in terms of warmth, craft, humor and populist sensibility (even if his sensibilities seem somewhat unpredictable). Manohla Dargis seems like she couldn't be bothered

I am just now made aware of this song, but I understand the hate. Though the lyrics are blamed, I think its less the shitty lyrics than the aesthetic and lyrical claims to  folks-y authenticity that rankle. At its base, it's a folk-pop song with a great hook for the chorus and the gimmicky "HEY"— not terrible, but the

@Signor_Giuseppe gratuitousness,  you dûmb ass

I just want to take this opportunity to point out how bad these lyrics are in terms of craft. I mean, he's hitting the beats, the rhythm of the lyrics are good, it rhymes, it SOUNDS like he's saying something, but that's the rub: he isn't saying shit.
This song suffers from what I've termed the "meatloaf quandary":

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus can we just say: pretending to be into dude-bro-y stuff, stuff that one could describe as 'aggressively lowest common denominator' is far from satire, and maybe even kind of lazy as far as comedy goes. not that i've actually read dadboner, but seeing as this is the first

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus can we just say: pretending to be into dude-bro-y stuff, stuff that one could describe as 'aggressively lowest common denominator' is far from satire, and maybe even kind of lazy as far as comedy goes. not that i've actually read dadboner, but seeing as this is the first

Someone might have already mentioned "rat trap'' i believe it was… Nathan Lane was in it, i'mprettysure. Anyways… if you recognize the title, i'm sure you remember the scene, early on, in which a someone eats a some-kind-of-food with a cockroach in it. While this was gnarly enough, the filmmakers thought it prudent to

"asks" = "requests"

holy shit…

He's probably out there, without a flipper, swimming around in a circle, freaking out his whole family.

i didn't mind watching the episode, but i hated reading this

who wrote that last one about 500 days of summer? not that her points aren't valid, or something, but that writing was a big ol mess of 'what the fuck'. Isn't there an editor somewhere whose job it is to sit a writer down and say 'Well, I'd make suggestions, but this paragraph makes no fucking sense. Start over."?

i thought the 'jeff you do realize you're now creating six different timelines…'

haha if that happened it would be necessary for one of Evil Troy+Abed to have grown a goatee and the other to still be wearing the felt one. 

"Arizona backwards is… still Arizona! Its a palomino!"

he must be good!

I got the impression that Future Simon had been dicking around with time travel for awhile, given how many changes he made that could've had varied, otherwise unknowable consequences. "groundhogging" it, if you will. So that footage of Alisha could've been from a slightly different time line where, for whatever

I'd imagine Nathan gets healed everytime he dies, right? STDs and all? I mean, he blows his brains out in the same episode which, uh, i think, is usually enough to fuck with someone's brain-use capacity.