I've watched a couple of episodes of that show with my kids. I recognized Kristen Schaal's voice, but didn't know that he was in it, too.
I've watched a couple of episodes of that show with my kids. I recognized Kristen Schaal's voice, but didn't know that he was in it, too.
Thank you. They're doing him a great disservice by not at least telling him what is expected of him by society. He may not respond well to being told it's not OK to act like a big spazzy whiner every time he doesn't get his way, but eventually it will start to sink in. He's smart.
Thank you. They're doing him a great disservice by not at least telling him what is expected of him by society. He may not respond well to being told it's not OK to act like a big spazzy whiner every time he doesn't get his way, but eventually it will start to sink in. He's smart.
I was wondering the same thing, but just assumed my feeble wet sponge of a brain was to blame.
I was wondering the same thing, but just assumed my feeble wet sponge of a brain was to blame.
I have a vague recollection of this as well. Something about the Bravermans kind of "saving" her from a shitty home situation, if I'm remembering correctly. I think she said she's much closer to the Bravermans than her blood relatives.
I have a vague recollection of this as well. Something about the Bravermans kind of "saving" her from a shitty home situation, if I'm remembering correctly. I think she said she's much closer to the Bravermans than her blood relatives.
Nail head hit. (I'm definitely a Drew).
Nail head hit. (I'm definitely a Drew).
They're just not a good match. He's a super nice guy, but even when he stands up for himself, he comes off as spineless. He's more of a boy than a man, and Sarah needs her a man.
They're just not a good match. He's a super nice guy, but even when he stands up for himself, he comes off as spineless. He's more of a boy than a man, and Sarah needs her a man.
@avclub-9faa8bdc4a84b8217726cb1bfb903baf:disqus - I'm a fan of both Anathem and the Baroque cycle. Honestly, he hasn't written a book yet that I didn't at least enjoy.
@avclub-9faa8bdc4a84b8217726cb1bfb903baf:disqus - I'm a fan of both Anathem and the Baroque cycle. Honestly, he hasn't written a book yet that I didn't at least enjoy.
Beverly Hills Ninja!
Beverly Hills Ninja!
That last sentence was a thing of pure beauty. In fact, one could say that it gave me a funny boner.
That last sentence was a thing of pure beauty. In fact, one could say that it gave me a funny boner.
I must have missed that episode (our DVR was making some bad calls earlier this season). I was watching her place something on her plate last night, and couldn't understand how she could have any idea where her hand was in relation to the food already there, and it looked like she was using her eyes to see where to…
I must have missed that episode (our DVR was making some bad calls earlier this season). I was watching her place something on her plate last night, and couldn't understand how she could have any idea where her hand was in relation to the food already there, and it looked like she was using her eyes to see where to…
Alright. I'll just come right out and say it.